
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sea theme illlustrations, three different syles !

Hello !

We had a beautiful summer-like weather yesterday, it put me in the mood of designing some sea themed illustrations.

Seabed fun.

I was going for a childish and colored look for this  one, I just had fun with some colors and some sea animals.

Relaxing sea set.

This style is really fun to work with ! It was kind of my first time experiencing it , but next time I'll take the graphic touch to a new level ... let's just hope it'll come great.

I'm a Pirate !

And finally a pirate themed children's book illustration. This style is really simple, and I love to try to take complex objects and bring them to a minimalist and geometric design. Even this cute kitten.

And this is it ! See you next time for more illustrations !

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